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Dott. Salvatore Bellinvia

Medico specialista in REUMATOLOGIA

Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia con votazione 110/110 Lode Diploma di Specializzazione in Reumatologia con votazione 50/50 Lode 

Diploma di competenza pratica e teorica SIUMB in Ecografia Internistica Corso di ecografia muscolo-scheletrica in Reumatologia (Roma 20-22 Febbraio 2014) 


Esperienza di ricerca / Clinical Trials Fin dagli ultimi anni del corso di laurea mi sono dedicato alla ricerca clinica e di base in campo reumatologico. In particolare la mia esperienza di ricerca si è perfezionata presso University Hospital of Southampton (NIHR Clinical Research Facility) dove ho partecipato come co- investigator in numerosi clinical trials commerciali e non-commerciali, redazione di protocolli di ricerca traslazionale di base su malattie reumatiche, articoli scientifici. Durante gli ultimi tre anni ho avuto l’opportunità di partecipare come investigator in diversi progetti di ricerca multicentrici come parte del programma di medicina stratificata denominato MATURA (MAxisimising Therapeutic Utility for Rheumatoid Arthritis) and Therapist. 


Esperienze lavorative Medico Reumatologo 

Dal 2011 interno presso UOS di Reumatologia Ospedale Cannizzaro (Catania), in tale periodo, ancora studente, mi sono avvicinato alla disciplina e ho condotto l’elaborazione della tesi di laurea in ambito reumatologico. Dal 2013 al 2017 iscritto alla scuola di specializzazione in Reumatologia di Messina, assegnato alla sede aggregata di Catania. Ho svolto la mia attività presso l’ambulatorio di Reumatologia dell’ospedale Policlinio “G. Rodolico” e successivente presso UOD Reumatologia dell’ARNAS Garibaldi, occupandomi tra gli altri di terapia intra-articolare ed ecografia muscolo-scheletrica. Ho partecipato a svariati convegni e corsi della disciplina negli ultimi anni.


Dal mese di Ottobre 2016 fino ad Aprile 2017, in quanto vincitore di una scientific training bursary promossa da EULAR (European League against Rheumatism), ho trascorso un periodo di formazione nel Regno Unito (Southampton) presso il Department of Rheumatology and NIHR Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. Durante tale periodo sono stato esposto e ho partecipato attivamente come sub-principal investigator a diversi studi clinici commerciali e non di fase 3 sulle nuove terapie nell’ambito dei reumatismi infiammatori cronici, in particolare farmaci biosimilari e “piccole molecole” targeted syntethic disease modifying anti- rheumatic drugs (tsDMARDs). Dal mese di Novembre 2017 dirigente medico (Consultant Rheumatologist) presso unità di Reumatologia di Salisbury. 




Alcuni dei progetti di ricerca ai quali ho partecipato: 

· PUFA biosynthesis in chronic inflammation - observational study (ongoing). The effect of chronic inflammation on genes involved in polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) biosynthesis in regulator T cells. Research question: is polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) biosynthesis dysregulated in T-cell of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and other chronic inflammatory diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis (AS), psoriatic arthritis (PsA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), reactive arthritis (ReA) and uveitis. 

• ERAP1 (ERAAP) Polymorphisms linked to disease susceptibility (ongoing) - Blood samples from patients and controls are used to isolate genomic DNA and mRNA using standard isolation techniques available in the laboratory. This will allow to compare sequences to identify potential differences and establish a map of polymorphisms and their effect on the function of ERAP1 

• STRAP study (ongoing)– Stratification of Biologic Therapies for RA by Pathobiology. A randomised, open labelled biopsy-driven stratification trial in DMARD inadequate responder patients randomized to Etanercept, Tocilizumab or Rituximab 

Notes/Reflections As part of my exposure to this trial I have taken part in research clinics, seen the process of recruiting patients to studies and attended US-guided biopsy procedures. This will stand me in good stead in performing future translational research looking at stratifying treatment for patients with inflammatory arthritis based on different synovial and molecular signatures (B-cells and B-cell associated signatures), assessed through tissue from a synovial biopsy. 

• R4-RA study - A randomised, open labelled study in anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) inadequate responders to investigate the mechanisms for Response - Resistance to Rituximab versus Tocilizumab in RA 

• THERAPIST study – TH17 responses in RA patients on Inhibitors of TNF. The objective of this observational, prospective study was to observe biologic naïve RA subjects on anti TNF therapies and take measurements of peripheral blood and synovial tissue to assess differences in the IL-17 and TH17 pathways between responders and non-responders and determine if increased TH17 pathway is a valid target for intervention in this population to improve response outcome 

• NEXT study – A phase 3 multicentre randomised, double-blind study comparing ABT-494 ( a second generation JAK inhibitor with JAK1 selectivity ) to placebo in subjects with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis who are on a stable dose and 

• EARLY study – A phase 3 multicentre, randomised, double-blind study comparing ABT-494 monotherapy to methotrexate monotherapy in MTX- Naïve subjects with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis 

• PROMOTE study – Pain Reduction with Oral Methotrexate in knee Osteoarthritis. A pragmatic phase 3 placebo-controlled, double blind trial of treatment effectiveness to determine whether methotrexate is an efficacious analgesic treatment for knee osteoarthritis 


• A review article on biosimilar infliximab SB2 in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis 

Bellinvia S, Ashraf M, Polosa R, Edwards CJ Immunotherapy. 2017 Nov;9(14):1133-1142. doi: 10.2217/imt-2017- 0068. Epub 2017 Sep 18. Review. 

• JAK Inhibitors in the Treatment Algorithm of Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Review 

Bellinvia S, Edwards CJ EMJ Rheumatology 5.1. July 2018 

• Adalimumab Biosimilars in Europe: An Overview of the Clinical Evidence. 

Bellinvia S, Cummings JRF, Ardern-Jones MR, Edwards CJ. BioDrugs. 2019 Jun;33(3):241-253. doi: 10.1007/s40259-019-00355-4. 

• Can we wean patients with inflammatory arthritis from biological therapies? 

Edwards CJ, Galeazzi M, Bellinvia S, Ringer A, Dimitroulas T, Kitas G Autoimmun Rev. 2019 Oct 19:102399. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2019.102399. [Epub ahead of print] Review. 

• Weekly low-dose methotrexate for reduction of Global Initiative for Asthma Step 5 treatment in severe refractory asthma: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. 

Polosa R, Bellinvia S, Caruso M, Emma R, Alamo A, Kowalski ML, Domingo C. Trials. 2014 Dec 18;15:492. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-492. 

• Necrotizing Panniculitis as an Uncommon Manifestation of Acute Pancreatitis. 

Bruno CM, Pricoco GS, Bellinvia S, Amaradio MD, Cantone D, Polosa R. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med. 2017 Apr 27;4(3):000540.doi: 

10.12890/2017_000540. eCollection 2017. 

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